Tuesday, December 16, 2008

* Hugs!

There are some very nice people in our world. Many of our parents are away from our families serving our country. We miss them when they are away from our home. Some high school students gathered over 500 stuffed animals and delivered them to our school. The animals give us something to hug! We made a sign for them, and we signed our name to the sign. We thank them for their kindness!

Thank You Friends!

Friday, December 12, 2008

* Office Helpers

My teacher says she can't do her job alone! She has a group of friends in the office to help her! They help her with lots of things. When they help her, they are helping us! And that is good. Very good!

Thank you office FRIENDS!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

* Objective Learning Board

Every day we read our Objective Learning Board. Our teacher taught us that the word "objective" is a big word because it is a word that includes all of the things we will be learning this year. We can't learn all the things at one time, so we will focus on one learning "objective" at a time. The board helps us keep our focus. It helps us keep on task. We can read the board as a group, we can read the board with a friend, or we can read the board all by ourself. Each day we read the Objective Learning Board with our teacher. This is what the learning board says: "Today I will learn the name/sound of letter(s) ____ (Our teacher writes this in when we read the board). I will learn to use this letter(s) when I write words and stories. I am learning to read and write! Thank you Objective Learning Board for helping us keep our focus!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

* Numbers Numbers Numbers

These are the number cards that are hanging in our classroom. We have big and little cards. We use the little cards in our centers. The big cards have magnet on the back, so sometimes we take them off and use them on the white boards. These number cards help us learn how to write the numbers 0-30. We learn how to make the strokes of the numbers so we don't make the number backwards.
Each number has a song that helps us remember how to write the number.
We also look at the value of the number on a ten frame. This helps us see the relationship of the value of the number to the value of 10.
We like learning about numbers. We plan to learn about numbers to 100 (even though we only NEED to learn to 30 in Kindergarten) because we are SUPER DOOPER SMART kids!
Our teacher made the number cards. If your Kindergarten would like a copy of the number cards and number songs, please email jprobert@dsdmail.net and write Number Cards in the subject area.
Click here and here to view number songs on line.
Number recognition
It helps to have concrete numbers (plastic or foam) the children can touch. Other than that, games are again an excellent way to reinforce learning.

Here's a simple game: Have a bunch of foam numbers and/or plastic magnetic numbers, and make a heap of them between you and the child. You pick one, hold it up high and call out loud its name, such as "Number five!" and put it to you personal pile.

The child will then find the same number (make sure there are at least two of each number) and does the same, calling its name out loud and gathering the number to himself.
Then you reverse it so that it is first the child's turn to pick any number from the pile, call out its name, and put it to his pile, and you have to find the same number. After all the numbers in the middle pile were gone, the task is to arrange the numbers you have in order.

Play all kids' favorite card game: UNO. That'll motivate children to learn to recognize numbers quickly.

DotMath for kids practices number recognition based on the dot patterns on a die. Several pages of the book are available online (as images).

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

* On Schedule

This is a picture of our Schedule Board. Our board has many different cards with words and pictures that tell us about our day. The word/picture cards are attached to the board with Velcro Tape so that we can arrange them in order for the day. On the back of each card our teacher also added magnet strip. This allows us to use the schedule word/picture card on the white board when we are learning to read and write. Thank you Schedule Board for helping us keep our day organized. Have a happy kindergarten day!